Lebanon Mobile Integrated 健康

Right person, right care, right place, right time.

流动综合医疗队照片(从左至右):阿曼达圣. Ivany, Community Nurse; Jeremy Thibeault, Community Paramedic; and Rachael McMillan, Community Nurse
流动综合医疗队照片:(从左至右. Ivany, Community Nurse; Jeremy Thibeault, Community Paramedic; and Rachael McMillan, Community Nurse.

本声明描述了黎巴嫩消防部门和十大网赌平台推荐希区柯克医疗中心(DHMC)移动综合健康计划的目标. Nationally and locally, 卫生系统和社区组织正在共同努力,以满足我们人口的卫生需求,并应对不断上升的卫生保健费用. 越来越多地, 传统的紧急医疗服务(EMS)——或护理人员和紧急医疗技术人员(emt)——正在发展成为更大的医疗保健生态系统中的合作伙伴, 将传统医疗保健提供者和社区组织连接在一个协调的医疗系统中的生态系统.

Please refer to the following sections on this page:

What is mobile integrated health?

黎巴嫩流动综合保健(MIH)方案雇用社区护理人员和社区护士来支持我们社区的病人. 社区辅助医疗是卫生保健计划的重要组成部分. 全国农村卫生协会将社区辅助医疗定义为“一个有组织的服务系统”, based on local need, 哪些是由紧急医疗技术人员和护理人员提供的,并纳入当地或区域医疗保健系统,并由急诊和初级保健医生监督.”

Paramedicine programs operate in communities to:

  • 出院后对患者进行随访,防止再次住院
  • 防止不必要的紧急医疗服务(EMS)运输和住院
  • 在社区的家庭环境中为患者提供慢性和预防性护理


  • 9-1-1电话
  • 在获得高水平患者满意度的同时降低护理成本
  • Emergency department (ED) use
  • Hospital admissions and readmissions

我们的团队在黎巴嫩消防部门设计并实施了一个社区护理人员项目. DHMC设计了这个项目,为生活在黎巴嫩和西黎巴嫩的十大网赌平台推荐健康中心患者优化医疗服务.

黎巴嫩社区护士于2021年11月加入黎巴嫩消防局,完成黎巴嫩MIH计划. 社区护士与社区护理人员密切合作,提供范围更广的与健康有关的支持. 有关黎巴嫩MIH计划的更多信息,请通过电子邮件与我们联系 MIH@lebanonnh.政府.



  • Improve the overall health of patients
  • Prevent hospital admissions and readmissions
  • 防止不必要的紧急医疗运输和急诊室就诊
  • Support patients after hospital discharge

服务 provided


  • 慢性病管理,如教育、监测和辅助管理;
    • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
    • Congestive heart failure
    • 糖尿病
  • 十大网赌平台推荐 safety evaluations
  • Medication reconciliation and education
  • Support during transitions in care, 例如, providing support in the home after an inpatient stay
  • Vital signs monitoring
  • 伤口护理
  • Other interventions within the paramedic scope of practice

Please note that community paramedic services do not replace regular clinic visits. 社区护理人员服务在病人家中为他们提供额外的支持.

病人 and populations impacted


  • Able to participate in self-care
  • Live in Lebanon or West Lebanon, New Hampshire
  • 在爱丽丝派克日纪念医院(美国),其诊所或DHMC接受初级或专科护理
  • 对急性疾病或慢性疾病恶化的短期干预是否有益

Provider teams



  • Emergency Department
  • 初级护理


  • Emergency Department
  • Geriatric Emergency Department
  • 初级护理 (at DHMC and Heater Road)


Our project team

  • Sally Kraft,医学博士,公共卫生硕士,十大网赌平台推荐健康中心人口健康副总裁
  • 芭芭拉·法恩斯沃斯,医学硕士,DHMC社区卫生伙伴关系主任
    电子邮件: 芭芭拉.g.farnsworth@hitchcock.org
  • Cory Howarth, APRN, Dartmouth Hitchcock Clinics, Heater Road
  • Thomas Trimarco,医学博士,EMS医疗总监,DHMC, 美国和新伦敦医院
  • 希拉里·舒勒,DHMC社区卫生伙伴关系协调员
    电子邮件: 希拉里.a.schuler@hitchcock.org
  • 杰里米·蒂博,黎巴嫩消防局消防员/护理人员
  • 吉姆·惠特利,黎巴嫩消防局的消防员/护理人员,队长

Learning and data


  • Patient experience
    • Patient satisfaction with Community Paramedic Program
    • Patient self-assessment of health status
  • 健康 outcomes:
    • ED visits 6 months pre- and post-program engagement
    • 拒绝参加治疗的患者在就诊前后6个月进行急诊检查
    • 转介住院病人出院后30天内到急诊科就诊
  • 护理费用:
    • Ambulance dispatch 6-month pre- and post-program engagement
    • 在我们的MIH项目中,病人出院后30天内再入院
    • MIH登记患者入院的住院时间(计划内和计划外)
  • Staff experience:
    • DHMC护理团队对社区护理人员计划的满意度
    • Lebanon Fire staff satisfaction
    • Number of specific protocols and educations modules developed
    • Number of community paramedic providers trained
  • Operational metrics:
    • Medication reconciliations completed
    • Number of patients admitted to Community Paramedic Program
    • Number of social service referrals provided

Community Advisory Council


阿曼达·圣. Ivany

City of Lebanon, Lebanon Community Nurse

Barbara Farnsworth

Dartmouth 健康, Community 健康

Brian Lombardo, MD

Alice Peck Day, 初级护理

Carla Richters

Community member/patient representative

Chief Chris Christopoulos

City of Lebanon, Fire Department

Cory Howarth, APRN

Dartmouth 健康, Heater Road, 初级护理

丹妮拉我. 河桥上争先目睹

Dartmouth 健康, Accountable Care Org

Deb Goodrum

Dartmouth 健康, Geriatric ED


Lebanon Housing Executive Director

Ellen Flaherty

Dartmouth 健康, Geriatric Center of Excellence

Heather Giaccone

City of Lebanon, Lebanon Community Nurse


Dartmouth 健康, Community 健康


Community Nurse 连接ion


Lake Sunapee VNA, Executive Director

Johanna L. 贝力弗

Visiting Nurse and Hospice for VT and NH, CEO

Kappy Coppettone

Grafton County Senior Citizens Council, Case Manager


Community Nurse 连接ion, Executive Director

Laurie Harding

Community Member


White River Family Practice


City of Lebanon, Human 服务

Margaret Georgia, Kathleen O'Brien

Dartmouth 健康, Care Management


Quail Hollow, Manager

Richard Norris

City of Lebanon, Police Department


West Central Behavioral 健康, CEO

Sally Kraft, MD

Dartmouth 健康, Population 健康

Stacie Deiner (Anesthesiology)

Dartmouth 健康, Surgical 服务

Tom Trimarco, MD

Dartmouth 健康, Emergency Department